Preparing to Care Events

What do you mean preparing to care?

Preparing – Making (something) ready for use or consideration or making (someone) ready or able to do or deal with something.

Care – Serious attention or consideration applied to doing something correctly or to avoid damage or risk.

As a caregiver, please take an opportunity to learn and prepare to care. You may say, ‘what do you mean by prepare to care?’ Well, as a caregiver, you have to know what has changed and what is the latest information available for caregivers, including who qualifies as a caregiver under Medicare rules. You cannot rely on programs and services that were in place last year to be around this year. Information and technology can change from day to day. Programs and procedures can be updated and outdated in the twinkling of an eye. And ‘Yes,’ caregivers need to be aware of those changes because caregivers are on the front-line when it comes to sustaining the life of their loved ones as well as maintaining a good quality of life for themselves. You must take this time now to educate yourselves as you continue to serve your family and loved ones.

The Preparing to Care Campaign consists of informative events geared toward making sure the caregiver. .

1. Gets ready

2. Stays ready

3. And feels comfortable meeting the daily needs of the person they care for

Did you know that 6 out of 10 family caregivers are employed?

Did you know that 73% of family caregivers who care for someone over the age of 18 either work or have worked while providing care; 66% have had to make adjustments to their work life, from reporting late for work to giving up work entirely; and 1 out of 5 caregivers have had to take a leave of absence!

Sources: Six in 10… – MetLife Study of Working Caregivers and Employer Health Costs; National Alliance for Caregiving and MetLife Mature Market Institute.

February 2010;  73% of family caregivers …Caregiving in the United States; National Alliance for Caregiving in collaboration with AARP. November 2009

Please check this page often as we will add more information to the Event Archives plus more about our 2019 Preparing to Care Events

View our Upcoming Events!

April 2019: Financial Summit

August 2018: Health Literacy Training Workshop

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