
Get Ready!

Events, Resources

1 in 7 people over the age of 45 are experiencing cognitive decline.

This is an alarming statistic that is facing our neighbors in the state of Tennessee.

Many people think that this is not their problem but if the stats are correct, 9/10 of you will know someone that is experiencing difficulty in this area.

What we are asking all caregivers, and Tennesseans, is to get awareness BEFORE they have to deal with this issue. Join us on Wednesday, March 27th as we start the conversation.

Ms. Greta Brown will talk with us about The 10 Warning Signs of Alzheimer’s Disease.

We at least need to know the warning signs. Many times we see these symptoms and signs and we just over look them. This is not something we have the luxury of doing anymore.

Hope to see you on March 27th for this important zoom meeting.

Please please invite someone to listen to this event with you! It’s never too early or too late to prepare yourself!

Register now to receive your zoom link the week of the event:

The 10 Warning Signs of Alzheimer’s Disease

Thank you to everyone who joined us today to learn about hospice and palliative care programs and support options. We are especially thankful for all the invaluable information Mr Eric Spears shared with us!

Below is the document with the resources and how to connect with Mr Spears. Print this off and develop a binder to keep all of this vital information. Suppose you don’t need it now, that is great. But when you need it, you know where to get it.

2020 Conference RESOURCES

If you weren’t able to join us, or just want to re-watch the talk later, we will have the recording available for you soon!

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